Mystic Lake Annual Campaign
Mystic Lake YMCA Camp has been serving youth and families since 1926. We are stewards of 600 acres of pristine forest habitat, 3 lakes and over 40 camp buildings. Each year thousands of children come to this spectacular setting to enjoy and connect with their natural world, practice the values of honesty, caring, respect, responsibility, forge friendships and grow their confidence.
At Mystic Lake we believe that every child deserves access to an outdoor recreation/education opportunity to help them maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Through the generous support of individuals and foundations, we offer program scholarships to children creating access to these life-changing experiences.
Donate Here to Support Mystic Lake

Camper Testimonials
"Dear Person Who Has Helped Change My Life,
Camp means so much to me! Like, SO MUCH. I love it here and I love the people here, they're filled with endless love and kindness that has helped shape me into the person I am, and continues to shape me into the person I hope to become. Belonging somewhere is rare for me, or at least feeling a sense of belonging, you have helped me to be at a place I truly call home. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
- Camper, age 14
"Dear Friend,
I appreciate you for giving me the opportunity to experience this camp for an entire week! My favorite past time is talking with my friends. They truly respect me and I couldn't ask for more. I am looking forward to the rest of the memories I will make with them. Thank you!"
- Camper, Age 13
"Dear Donor,
Thank you for helping to send me to camp. My favorite meals this week were all of the breakfasts, to be specific the French toast! My favorite activity this week was biking. I am looking forward to coming back next summer. This camp is amazing and I really needed a break form home."
- Camper, Age 11